30 June 2008


"In the early 1970s, on opposite sides of the Cold War divide, and in complete ignorance of each other, Russian poet Lev Rubinstein and American poet Robert Grenier initiated a series of poetry raids on the fortress of the book: both began composing poems on small cards, a practice that would culminate in Grenier's Sentences (1978), a box of 500 such card-poems, and Rubinstein's own boxes of serial cards (beginning around 1974)."
~ Philip Metres, "Installing Lev Rubinstein's 'Farther and Farther On': From Note Cards to Field Walks"

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"Rubinstein catalogs remarkable speech fragments, disjointed bits of various discourses and staggeringly bad 'traditional' rhymed poetry. These found objects he presents as poems, which the reader or listener feels she must have heard somewhere hundreds of times before without noticing."
~ Northwestern University Press (re: Rubinstein's Here I Am)

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